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digital marketing campaign

5 Tips for Running a Successful Digital Marketing Campaign

Digital Marketing Campaign The digital age has made significant strides in leveling the playing field when it comes to small business owners, solopreneurs and freelancers being able to compete with giant companies and corporations. Whether you are an artist, author, musician, tax attorney or independent broker, the virtual world makes it easier than ever to market your

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wordpress three eight one

WordPress Three Eight One: Maintenance Release Rolled Out

WordPress 3.8.1 has released today with more than 31 bug fixes. Developers at WordPress are now seeding the update files and the blogs with automatic updates enabled would have got the update. As per a blog entry by Andrew Nacin on the WordPress.org blog, Version 3.8.1 is a maintenance release covering various fixes and improvements to 3.8. A standout amongst

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wordpress themes for civil engineering and construction companies

Top 6 WordPress Themes for Civil Engineering and Construction Companies

No business, large or small, can afford to be without a website in today’s internet obsessed world. The first place customers look when they need your skills or a recommendation, is online. Word of mouth still counts for a lot, but any recommendations passed by family, friends, colleagues or business acquaintances, are checked on social

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wordpress mobile apps

WordPress Mobile Apps: Turn Your WordPress Website into an App for Android and iPhone

There is no doubt that the technique to consume digital media is changing. Rather than accessing the Social Networks and Websites from weighty computers, you can now access them anywhere, anytime by small Smartphones. A report from ComScore in 2016 claims that more than half of the global users access Internet through Mobile devices and the are

WordPress Mobile Apps: Turn Your WordPress Website into an App for Android and iPhone Read More »